Free User Account

Your Free User Account will allow you to access the MrQR platform and enable you to complete any MrQR Site Forms on any Site being managed using the MrQR platform. The Site Owner will need to approve access before you can do this.

Your profile page does not allow you to store or share any information.

You cannot add, store, or share addresses, training records, or equipment details.

Pro User Account

Your Pro User Account will allow you to access the MrQR platform and enable you to complete any MrQR Site Forms on any Site being managed using the MrQR platform. The Site Owner will need to approve access before you can do this.

You can store and share:

  • Profile image
  • Full name
  • Contact number
  • Your National Insurance Number
  • Date of birth
  • Occupation
  • Employer
  • Employment status
  • Basic medical information you wish to share
  • Contact details of a person you wish to be contacted in the event of an incident
  • Multiple addresses
  • Multiple training records (including descriptions, key dates, and images)
  • Multiple equipment records (including descriptions and images)

You can share your profile page including your profile image, employer, occupation, contact number, and training records via email or your unique MrQR Code.

Profile Image

Your profile image will automatically be shared and used as an identification image on MrQR Forms. When adding a profile image, you can take a new photo or upload one from your files.



Your full name will automatically be shared on MrQR Forms.

Contact Number

Your primary contact number will automatically be shared on MrQR Forms.

National Insurance Number

With a Pro User Account, your National Insurance Number will automatically be shared on MrQR Forms.

Date of Birth

With a Pro User Account, your date of birth will automatically be shared on MrQR Forms.


With a Pro User Account, your occupation will automatically be shared on MrQR Forms.


With a Pro User Account, your employer will automatically be shared on MrQR Forms.

Employment Status

With a Pro User Account, your employment status will automatically be shared on MrQR Forms.

Basic Medical Information

With a Pro User Account, any basic medical information that you wish to disclose (such as allergies, phobias, or prescribed medication) will automatically be shared on MrQR Forms.

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Next of Kin Contact Details

With a Pro User Account, you can add contact details of the person you wish to be contacted in the event of an incident. This will automatically be shared on MrQR Forms.

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Multiple Addresses

You can add multiple addresses from your profile page, such as your home address or multiple work addresses. These can be selected and automatically shared on MrQR Forms.

  • Address Line 1
  • Address Line 2
  • City
  • Region
  • Post Code
  • Country
  • Notes

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Multiple Training Records

You can add multiple training records from your profile page, including expiry dates and relevant images. These can be selected and automatically shared on MrQR Forms.

  • Name (IPAF, Driving Licence, ECS, CSCS etc)
  • Number
  • Expiry date
  • Multiple images

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Multiple Equipment Records

You can add multiple equipment records from your profile page, including descriptions and relevant images. These can be selected and automatically shared on MrQR Forms.

  • Name (Drill, Test Equipment, Ladders, Car Registration etc)
  • Description
  • Multiple images

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MrQR has a policy of continuous improvement.
Some features may not be available until the official launch.
Additional features may be added and improvements made at any time, so the information contained within this document may require updating.

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