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New Register Screen

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Enter your new register name.

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Public / Secure Registers

All registers by default are secure and users must request access from site owners to view and complete forms assigned to items within the register. By ticking the image PUBLIC check box, all forms assigned to items within the register will be accesible without users requesting access.

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Register Tags

Tags can be used for searching and filtering your registers

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Press enter or return after you have typed in yout tag name. You can create multiple tags for your register Your Tag will be saved for use on other registers

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Select to Create your new Register

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Register Screen

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Register Address’s

Multiple Address’s stored in the site settings can be attached to a register and can then be assigned to any item created within that register.

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Create Register Addresses

If you create a new address, this will be stored within the site settings.

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MrQR has a policy of continuous improvement.
Some features may not be available until the official launch.
Additional features may be added and improvements made at any time, so the information contained within this document may require updating.

Copyright © 2024 MrQR