
MrQR Form Builder Your new section is now created. You can continue building your Form by adding content.

MrQR Form Builder

Adding Content

Select the button to open the ‘new content’ panel. There are two types of content:

  • Text
  • Media

The default content type is text.


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Text Content

Choose a title, enter your desired text, and then select the button.


Once your text content has been saved, you can Edit or Remove it if desired. You can also use the and buttons.

The image icon can be used to rearrange the order of text and inputs.


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Media Content

Add a title for your media, then select media in the ‘type’ drop down box.


Select the button to choose an image or video from your photo library. Alternatively, you can take a photo or video using your device’s camera.


Once you have selected your media, please wait for the image or video upload to finish. Once complete, you will see the image icon. At this point, you can delete the image, add more media, or select the button.


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Update Content

Now that your content has been saved, you can Edit or Remove it if desired. You can also use the and buttons.

The image icon can be used to rearrange the order of text and inputs.


If you have created text content, you can update the title and content.


If you have created media content, you can only update the title. To replace media, you need to select Remove next to the media content you wish to replace. Content

This opens the ‘remove field’ panel. Select the button to confirm removal or select the button to go back.


Once you’ve removed a piece of media content, use the button to add the media content you wish to use instead. Content

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MrQR has a policy of continuous improvement.
Some features may not be available until the official launch.
Additional features may be added and improvements made at any time, so the information contained within this document may require updating.

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