
MrQR Form Builder

Your new Form is now created. You can continue building you form by adding sections. Select the button to open the ‘create section’ panel.

MrQR Form Builder

Adding a New Section

Select the once you have entered the desired section name.

MrQR Form Builder

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Hiding Sections

By selecting image or image you can hide or show the section contents and inputs.

MrQR Form Builder

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Editing a Section

To edit the section name, select Edit in the Form’s section panel. Select the button once you have entered the desired section name. Select the button to ignore any changes you have made.

MrQR Form Builder

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Removing a Section

To remove a section, select Remove in the Form’s section panel, then select the button. Select the button to cancel the section removal.

MrQR Form Builder

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Adding Content & Inputs

Your new section is now created. You can continue building your Form by adding content and inputs or create another new section.

MrQR Form Builder

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MrQR has a policy of continuous improvement.
Some features may not be available until the official launch.
Additional features may be added and improvements made at any time, so the information contained within this document may require updating.

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